#ShiftThePower Manifesto for Change: Where it started and where we are now
Author: Ese Emerhi It was three years ago – in what feels like a very different world – that a small group of community development activists and pr…
Author: Ese Emerhi It was three years ago – in what feels like a very different world – that a small group of community development activists and pr…
¡Basta de soluciones climáticas falsas! Llegó el momento de financiar soluciones climáticas justas y transformadoras La segunda entrega del Sexto I…
Las mujeres, niñas, personas trans, intersex y no binaries de todo el mundo ya están trabajando en soluciones climáticas justas e inclusivas; sin emba…
Introducing Alianza Socioambiental Fondos del Sur | Socio-Environmental Funds of the Global South Link: Alianza Socioambiental Fondos del Sur • Soc…
As the pandemic took hold around the world and borders closed, local communities pulled together. New community-driven initiatives were born, and local…
El Fondo Socioambiental CASA trabaja en Sudamérica desde hace más de 13 años, financiando pequeños proyectos e impulsando la capacidad de iniciativas …
By Vanessa Ourique Purper CASA Socioenvironmental Fund believes that strengthening the capacities of grassroots groups and integrating the forces of d…
Building a culture of philanthropy in the global South is a herculean task, but small grants can still make big changes. Read the article written by M…
"No tienes que sentarte aquí esperando a que alguien te lo pida. Necesitas salir y crear las redes", dice Maria Amália Souza en Johannesburgo. Entrevi…